While researching for entry-level credit cards you stumbled upon Axis Bank Ace credit card and Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card, and now wondering which one you should go for. To clear this thought, in this article we have compared these two credit cards on the basis of their features and benefits. Before you jump right on to the comparison, you need to figure out your requirements first and then move ahead step by step. Once you know your spending habits then move on to the under-given comparison of these two credit cards.
Axis Bank Ace Credit Card: You can vouch for this credit card at Rs. 499 plus applicable taxes. The Axis Bank Ace Credit Card is an entry-level credit card that lets you earn incentives in the form of cashback. This credit card is ideal for those who use Google Pay, Zomato, Swiggy, etc. more in their day-to-day life for ordering something to pay the bills. Here are the key features and benefits of this credit card.
Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card: This one is a lifetime free credit card and ideal for first-time credit card users. The ICICI Amazon Pay credit card is perfect for those who use Amazon a lot more than any other e-commerce app or website. Both prime and non-prime members are benefited from this credit card. Hereunder are the key highlights of this credit card.
Bottom Line: To conclude, as we can see both credit cards are entry-level credit cards, however, the Axis Bank Ace credit card offers more benefits compared to the Amazon Pay ICICI credit card. You even get the travel benefits on Axis Bank’s credit card while there are no travel benefits on the Amazon Pay credit card. Now that you know your needs and spending habits you can clearly choose the card that is the perfect fit for you.
Additional Reading: How Fuel Credit Card Can Help You Save On Fuel Costs