The Citibank Prestige Credit Card can be exactly everything you've been searching for if you are a person who solely desires the finest advantages and perks through their credit cards. The Citi Prestige Credit Card is among Citibank's several high-end credit card options and comes with a number of perks like bonus points accrual on card purchases, protection coverage, and free entry to numerous programs. If you are someone who travels frequently and wishes to receive luxury advantages, this is the best choice.
Annual fee: Rs. 20,000
The main cardholder of the Citi Prestige programme would receive a gift voucher worth Rs. 10,000. The customer has the option of selecting an ITC Hotels Rs. 10,000 card or a Taj Experience Gift Voucher worth Rs. 10,000. 1 gift card will be given to the main cardholder per membership year as a result of this program.
The nicest aspect of the insurance coverage which is included in a credit card is the fact that the card provider has prepaid the charges for such policies. To take advantage of the coverage provided, the user is not required to spend any additional payments. Reap the benefits of insurance coverage, with Citi Prestige Credit Card including scam protection amounting to Rs. 10 lakh, Air mishap coverage amounting to Rs. 5 crores, and Foreign healthcare coverage up to USD 50,000.
Every person looking for a credit card first considers the rewards programme and advantages that come with the card. Finding a credit card with a decent deal is not always simple, but the Citi Prestige Credit Card has exceptional reward features. With the use of your Citi Prestige Card, there isn't anything you buy that won't gain you rewards. Each Rs. 100 spent abroad through your Citi Prestige Credit Card will award you 2 reward points. For every Rs. 100 spent on national purchases, receive 1 reward point.
Whenever customers use your Citi Prestige Card to pay for a hotel accommodation minimum of four successive nights on, the fourth night is on your Citi Prestige Card to pay. This perk will only be available twice a year starting on September 1, 2019.
You have a variety of alternatives for redeeming the points you accumulate. The points can be redeemed for purchases on BestBuy and Amazon websites. You might even get yourself a gift card to a retail shop or a home décor shop. Alternatively, customers could use their credits for booking hotels, vacations, airfares, and other types of vacations.
As mentioned earlier Citibank Prestige Credit Card is a premium credit card and it comes at a high annual fee but if we consider the advantages and services it offers, the annual charges are justified. If money is not a problem for you and your main objective is to get a reliable credit card that provides you with amazing advantages, then you should consider this card.
Additional Reading: How To Get A Credit Card Without Income Proof